Pours gold in the glass with a skiff of white foam. Light aroma of honey, fruit, grain, spiciness. Flavor is subtly juicy, predominantly malty with some bitterness and spiciness. A touch thin or watery.
2 Stars.
A whole lot of Belgian Beer
Pours gold in the glass with a skiff of white foam. Light aroma of honey, fruit, grain, spiciness. Flavor is subtly juicy, predominantly malty with some bitterness and spiciness. A touch thin or watery.
2 Stars.
Pours an amber gold with a finger of frothy, long lasting, cream colored head. Aroma of pit fruit, citrus rind, light spicyness and a surprising amount of hot alcohol (it’s a small amount but any amount is unexpected for the style). Well carbonated, smooth mouth feel, fairly sweet, some fruit, some spicyness, some bitterness and grain flavors at the end. Meh. Sweetness overwhelms the rest of the flavors.
2.5 Stars.
Poured a dull brown with a nice beige head. Sweet aromas of malt, caramel fig and fruit. Initially sharp on the tongue but overall fairly mild. Predominantly sweet fruit flavors then bitterness takes over. One would think the sweetness and bitterness would balance out, but no. Label may say bruin but this is a dubbel by another name.
2.5 Stars.
Dark golden orange in appearance. Ample frothy cream colored head that clings to the side of the glass as it slowly recedes. Delicate aroma; light fruit, light spice. Bitter with caramel and raisin and an alcohol forward aftertaste. Label states best before January 2016 but I suspect this particular bottle is overdue.
2.5 Stars
Pours a deep brown with a tinge of ruby red when held to the light. Beige head, not a lot, but what there is has staying power clinging to the side of the glass. Inviting aroma of malt sweetness, dark fruit with a touch of herbal notes. The aroma gives way to roasted malt flavors, nutty, light bitterness, same as the blonde something oddly chemically in taste, grainy finish. I will say it is a fairly unique tasting Belgian but not for me.
2.5 Stars.
Pours a hazy coppery blond with ample white head. Spicy, fruity aroma. Creamy mouth feel. Tastes sweet, banana, peach, grain. Smooth, hides it’s 8% ABV well. Nothing stands out as bad but, meh.
2.5 stars
Appearance is a fantastic hazy golden orange with a small, white, fizzy head. Smells of spicy yeast character and faint citrus peel, quite nice. Tastes spicy, sour fruit, lightly bitter, finishes dry with a faintly grainy aftertaste. Light easy drinking beer, possibly could serve as an introduction to classic Belgian blond flavors without being overpowering. Not a bad beer at all but overall underwhelms.
2.5 Stars.