First let me start. Oh man, this is good.
Brewed in 2012, bottled in 2014, drank in 2016, best before 2019. The disavowed offspring of Black Albert. This beer takes Black Albert and was aged on Four Roses Kentucky bourbon barrels. Described as a “Royal Stout”. Artwork by Delphine Boel.
Pours a midnight black with a small amount of long lasting brown head. Inviting aroma of sweet roasted malt, subtle dark fruit and as the beer warms the bourbon becomes more pronounced. High carbonation gives this beer a smooth mouthfeel. Complex and well balanced makes the beer difficult to describe. Roasted malt, bitter chocolate, vanilla, light bourbon and some sweetness as a counter to it all. Long bitter and bourbon finish. 11% alcohol as mellow as can be. No need to sip but you are going to want to savor this great beer.
5 Stars.