Abbaye de Abdij van Leffe

2 Stars, Abbaye de Abdij van Leffe, Brune

Leffe – Brune by Abbaye de Abdij van Leffe

Pours a deep brown with a tinge of ruby red when held to the light.  Beige head, not a lot, but what there is has staying power clinging to the side of the glass. Inviting aroma of malt sweetness, dark fruit with a touch of herbal notes. The aroma gives way to roasted malt flavors, nutty, light bitterness, same as the blonde something oddly chemically in taste, grainy finish. I will say it is a fairly unique tasting Belgian but not for me.

2.5 Stars.

3 Stars, Abbaye de Abdij van Leffe, Blonde

Leffe – Blonde by Abbaye de Abdij van Leffe

Pours a bright golden blond color with loads of rapidly dissipating frothy white head. Herbal (clove?) and banana notes; the aroma reminds me a bit of mead. Light bitterness, fairly sweet, odd bubble gum slightly chemical flavor, finishes malty. Despite the description an easy drinking beer. Does not stand out as having the Belgian character I would expect for the style. Not bad but not great either.

3 Stars.