4 Stars, Brasserie Du Bocq, Dubbel

Waterloo – Double 8 Dark by Brasserie Du Bocq

Pours a dark brown with great clarity and one finger of creamy looking head.  A deep breath is not needed to pick up the warm alcohol aroma with strong candi overtones.  Ample carbonation, sweet and surprisingly light.  No alcohol punch to follow the smell.  Typical dubbel flavors abound, caramel, candi syrup, raisin and dates.  Solid beer, I could definitely drink a couple of these.

Interesting story on the label. “This 100% natural craft beer originated in one of the oldest breweries in Belgium, the “Brasserie du Marche” in Braine-L’Alleud (Waterloo), which was founded in 1456. In 1815, during the battle of Waterloo, the allied troops drank this beer, which was recognized for giving “Strength” and “Courage”… Waterloo, the Beer of Victory!”

4 Stars.